Motifs #17 and #18 - Second Round
Because my 2nd Blogaversary is coming up at the end of the month (amazing to me!), I realize that after this post, I need seven more items to complete the second round of the 25 Motif Challenge. I may not make the ‘deadline’ of July 31, but I’ll be posting them at least by early August. My problem isn’t tatting them ( as I’ll be showing items I made back in the 1990s) - it’s finding the time to photograph and write about them!
Motif Counts: I had neglected to include Mary Konior’s cross (post of April 4) as Motif #16. So I’ll continue with #17 and #18 below.
Here are two more fun pendants on scalloped black velvet paper discs. This is a quick way to display 'practice' motifs that I usually stash away.
Because my 2nd Blogaversary is coming up at the end of the month (amazing to me!), I realize that after this post, I need seven more items to complete the second round of the 25 Motif Challenge. I may not make the ‘deadline’ of July 31, but I’ll be posting them at least by early August. My problem isn’t tatting them ( as I’ll be showing items I made back in the 1990s) - it’s finding the time to photograph and write about them!
Motif Counts: I had neglected to include Mary Konior’s cross (post of April 4) as Motif #16. So I’ll continue with #17 and #18 below.
Here are two more fun pendants on scalloped black velvet paper discs. This is a quick way to display 'practice' motifs that I usually stash away.
Rings and Chains
Lizbeth Turquoise, size 20
This basic ring-and chain motif which I tatted up quickly (and is far from perfect!) was the first item I made to ‘test’ my first ball of Lizbeth thread over a year ago. So I retrieved it and now enjoy wearing it!
Again, I used small ‘scrapbook’ embellishments, which are self-adhesive.
Dimpled Rings
Lizbeth Vineyard Harvest, size 20
This is a recent first try at dimpled rings, which I saw in an antique pattern. Not exactly perfect here, but fun to do.
It takes practice to make these dimpled rings, as they take a little finessing to close properly.
I've had a good experience with Lizbeth threads and enjoy working with them. I'm not always crazy about some of the variegated threads, but many are becoming favorites, such as this one.
Unfortunately, I haven’t done much tatting recently because of so many things to do in the summer months. After being cooped up all winter, I longed for summer, so I want to be out and about as much as possible! I do enjoy surfing the blogs for relaxation in the evenings, though! So much talent out there!
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I know you’re curious about the slipper pattern, which is coming along, after some fits and starts, but I can’t promise a finished booklet until later in the year as I just don’t have the blocks of time I need right now to fully concentrate on it. Many ‘learning curves’ still lie ahead for me, as I very much want to have a professional-looking presentation. I must live up to the standards that many of you have set!
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Enjoyable Summer Distractions
Below are some of our ‘fun’ distractions this summer , which are pleasant respites from the usual chores of yard work, fix-it home projects, and our continuous de-cluttering efforts. We’ve enjoyed several picnics and family events (a Christening and birthday parties, plus picnics), all of which, fortunately, were held in nice weather.
This summer has been hotter than in recent years (although to me it is similar to the summers of my youth in the 1950s), and we have had to ‘cave in’ and turn on the whole-house A/C more often than we would like – but I’m sure glad we have it available! I’m not looking forward getting to the electric bill, though!
afternoon picnic during the week.
(Great to be retired!)
Unfortunately, we don’t own the pontoon boat - or any boat!
Of course, we continue to attend many car cruises.
Here is a photo of our ’69 GTO sitting next to our cousin’s fabulous 1974 Bricklin - a rare automobile, as few of them were built (in Canada) between 1974-76. Note the ‘gull-wing’ doors!
The weather has been both good and bad for the cruises this summer. It's either been perfect, or very hot and humid, or unstable, causing some events to be cancelled – or interrupted! We recently attended one which started out with great weather, then was interrupted by a sudden downpour of heavy rain! It wasn’t unexpected, but came up fast and caused everyone to run for cover! At least there was no lightning or wind, and it was over in 5 minutes, but everyone tried to get their cars dry again. We, unfortunately, had to drive home in our slightly damp clothes!
It is sometimes too humid to tat, so I just walk around, take photos, and generally chat with people.
However, this weekend we plan to attend the annual Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, where sporty vintage race cars compete in a specified road course on a winding country road. It brings thousands of spectators from around the world and is considered a major auto racing event. We will be in the car show which is a separate part of the event. I’m hoping to be able to tat at this one, since there are shade trees to sit under!
I hope you’re also enjoying favorite outdoor summer activities!
However, this weekend we plan to attend the annual Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, where sporty vintage race cars compete in a specified road course on a winding country road. It brings thousands of spectators from around the world and is considered a major auto racing event. We will be in the car show which is a separate part of the event. I’m hoping to be able to tat at this one, since there are shade trees to sit under!
I hope you’re also enjoying favorite outdoor summer activities!