WREATH NO. 1 Back in 2007 I tatted this little Patti Duff motif (only 1.5 in. across), but did not add any beads. The self-adhesive stars are from my scrapbook stash, added for this photo
But the bow pin (a tie-tack type) has been on the wreath for 5 years, together with the ‘ringing’ bell which is a button from La Mode. I found the pin at a thrift store, and was pleased it had a ‘loop’ for hanging the bell. I’ve been collecting bow pins ever since, but it’s difficult to find those that have that extra loop. Of course, I also bought several bell ‘buttons‘ at JoAnn’s.
I was so pleased with the wreath and bow that I decided to put a large photo of it on our 2007 Christmas card. The red rhinestones were placed there for the photo back then.
My Photo Stamp 2007(First tatting on a stamp? J )
I thought it would be really cool to have a ‘matching’ stamp for the envelope, using a then new service:
the personalized ‘photostamp’ !
I was so delighted (giddy, actually) with the way the photo looked on the stamp site’s order form that I confirmed the order without realizing how much the stamps actually cost! The stamp may say 41 cents, but the actual cost of each stamp was 80 cents!!!! Quite a price to pay for an ego trip. I possibly can claim that I am the first person to put tatting on a stamp(?). Notice I I did NOT say it was the first tatting ever shown on an official US stamp I'd have to say that not too many of my recipients even noticed my stamp (except my tatting buddies!)
I recently found this motif (in an unknown thread) sitting unadorned in my stash of tatted pieces . But when I recently added the one-piece ‘bow and bells’ pin that I found in my ‘Christmas pins’ box, it added just the right finishing touch!
I have no idea when when I tatted this motif and believe I made it up, and also was practicing adding beads.
Here’s another simple motif from my stash (I believe I also made this one up - just clovers and chains), and again I was playing with beads.
I found another amazing bow pin at the thrift store, which came with a jingle bell attached! I love it when I find these things!
So now I have three wreath pins to wear for the holidays!
Here are the comparative sizes of all three pins, all done with size 20 equivalent thread. .
I have a busy two weeks ahead, with two shows coming up this weekend and next (Vicary Mansion and Old Economy).
I’m also trying to ‘refresh’ my Christmas tree, as it has been looking a little 'tired' lately. I recently found some tatted ornaments I had taken photos of but never put back on the tree! (I wondered what had happened to them!) Plus I’m trying to make some pendants to sell.