Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hearts - New and Old

Motifs #8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Second Round
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m posting FIVE different heart patterns. One is newly tatted, and the other four were made in the 1990s.
Motif #8 - Second Round
Lyn Mortons “Hearts and Flowers”
I was recently searching for books written by Mary Konior, and I came across Lyn Morton’s “Tatting and Designs” website, which has this free pattern in it. It is also in her “Tatting Patterns” book from 1993.

This is 3” in diameter,
DMC perle cotton, size 8, #498

Lyn’s pattern can be found at

* * *
The next hearts are from my early days of tatting in the 1990s.

Motif #9 - Second Round
Gold Heart (now in Paper Weight)

Designer: Kim Goetz
Victorian Hearts & Flowers
magazine (Better Homes and Gardens – 1995)

Size 12 DMC perle cotton

Next are pins I wear on my costumes. They are called “Strawberries” in the Workbasket magazine, but they make a nice ‘heart’ shape, too

Motif #10a - Second Round
Coral pin

Designer: Cindy Polfer
Workbasket, June-July 1995, Labeled as “Tatted Strawberry

Motif #10b - Second Round
Burgundy Pin
Each pin is about 2” x 2”
and is made with
perle cotton, size 8

The next two motifs are on my ‘crazy quilt’ Victorian Christmas stocking (shown on my Dec. 24, 2008 post). I finally found the sources of these two patterns.
Motif #11 - Second Round
‘Large Heart’

Designer: Kim Goetz
Victorian Hearts and Flowers magazine
(Better Homes and Gardens - 1995)

Related to gold heart above,
from the same magazine
Possibly size 30 thread

Motif #12 - Second round
‘Quilt Show’ Heart (designer?)

I finally found the ‘source’ of this pattern, but not the designer (see below)

Tatted with size 50 thread

There is supposed to be one more ring on the outer round, left side, to match the one on the right side.

The above motif is an example of a heart shape made from three motifs which form a triangle, then an outer round that connects them together.

1994 Quilt Show - Inspiration for Motif #12
When I posted my Victorian Christmas stocking a whole year ago, I could not remember where I saw this pattern. Then it dawned on me that I saw it on a quilt at a Quilt Show around 1994 (can’t believe that’s 16 years ago!).

I also recalled that I made an attempt to ‘copy’ the heart from a somewhat blurry photo I took of the quilt square. I finally found that photo AND one of the entire quilt, plus some other squares. Those photos reminded me that the quilt had a LOT of tatting on it, which amazed me! The quilt (mostly appliqued motifs) had 49 squares, all different, and most of the squares had tatting in them!

Yet the card that accompanied the quilt made no mention of the tatting or the tatter! Unfortunately, the quilter was not at the show that day, so I couldn’t ask her about it. If she also did the tatting, she did an excellent job, as it has free-form tatting as well as delicate edgings and tatted motifs, done in fine thread. Just sewing all that tatting on would have been a big task.

I very much regret that I did not make an attempt to contact her, especially if she was a local gal. Today I would have made the effort!
* * *
The Winter Olympics has started in Vancouver, Canada, and it’s ironic that they are having an unusually mild winter and desperately need snow! (I’d be happy to send them ours!!)


  1. Thanks for sharing your lovely collection of hearts! I know I've made a couple, and I've put them some place really safe... maybe my grandchildren will find them when they're going through my stuff some day! ; )

    The Olympics have been fun to watch so far, but it is funny to hear the commentators talk about the rain and slush when it's so cold and white hear in the lower 48!

  2. I ♥ your ♥! It's wonderful how you display them in such perfect ways! You have a real gift...not just for tatting, but in the beautiful ways you utilize it! :)

  3. That is a lovely display!
    Fox : )

  4. Hi Kathy!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog yesterday and for your nice comment!

    You have a lovely collection of hearts! I ESPECIALLY like the Lyn Morton Hearts and Flowers motif. You did a beautiful job and I love the crystal in the center! I've been working a few Mary Konior patterns lately, and this one has those same simple, beautiful lines.

    Looking forward to seeing how you keep lost tapestry needle disaster at bay!

    :) Ann

  5. Hi Kathy!!!! I love your blog as well as all of your treasures. My grandkids think it's great that I have a blog. And my kitty is a she, and I did name my blog afetr her.I sure would love some of your cold weather. I dont know if I am ready for the 25 Motif Challenge yet!!!!

  6. hi kathy -- your tatting is beautiful. (o: i really like how you displayed the heart in the paperweight (i have a few heart-shaped & rectangular blank paperweights... i'd been thinking of putting tatting in them -- now i can see how beautiful it would be!). you did such a nice job on your angels' wings -- they look very realistic. am enjoying the pics of your motifs, past & present. thanks for sharing! and thank you for stopping by my blog & leaving a comment the other day. (o:

  7. Kathy,

    Please post the pattern for the little shoes. They are so cute and a lot of people want them.

    Or sell it, we would buy it from you.

    Pretty please!

  8. Kathy, I was wondering if you would share your pattern for the tiny shoes? I love your work and really enjoy viewing your blog.
    Thank you.

  9. I'm very flattered at the requests for the pattern for the Lady's Slipper! I know there has been interest in it during the past two years.

    I will write about this in my next post, so please check back in a few days!

  10. Hi Kathy, All of your hearts are lovely! I like to wear heart pins also. One of my favorite is a little heart pattern in a workbasket magazine. I'll have to dig it up now that I am thinking of it. I too have been drawn to your first heart motif. I have the this book and plan on working this motif in a pretty variegated color.

    Happy Tatting!

  11. Hi, Kathy,
    I just copied that brilliant pattern - freebie of Lyn Morton's - you have here. Love it! It is next on the list. Thanks!
    Fox : )
